New Zealand Study Tour 2014

New Zealand Study Tour 2014

2014年7月27日 星期日

5th Day in New Zealand

Our fifth day in New Zealand was a sunny day. Ken and I woke up a bit late at around ten because we had a late night movie last night and it was Sunday. After rise and shine, we had a great breakfast with toast and egg (but, actually, I want some bacons!) Never mind! We had to dress quickly as we were going to have a hectic schedule for the weekend.

First, Ken and I played the indoor war game with our host family in Megazone. The price is reasonable, just NZ$20 for three games. I got the highest mark in one of the games. But, finally, Josh, the son in the host family, won the 1st and I was the fifth.

After the war game, we had a little discussion about what to eat for lunch inside the car. The host mum had three choices for us: fish and fries, pizza or Subway (sandwich). I chose fish and fries but Josh and Emma, the daughter in the host family, thought it was too heavy for them. So, at last, we all compromised to have Subway for lunch! I chose a meatball sandwich for myself and Ken chose the tender steak sandwich. Then, our host family drove us to the Stanmore Bay Beach for lunch. The host mum placed a mat on the beach so that we could enjoy our lunch with the amazing view of New Zealand! Besides, we had some fun at the parks nearby too!

At the end of the day, we did some grocery shopping at the supermarket. We also bought some ingredients, for example, cheese, bacon, chicken, meat and salami, for making a pizza for dinner!  What’s more, I bought some chocolate and chips for our own treat!

I love my host family very much. We all had a great day. Love you all!

Vincent Ho 5D

